About This Game A mini-game tribute to President Donald J. Trump!BackgroundSome may call this propaganda. Others may say it's gloating. While those assumptions admittedly may have a shred of truth to them, my hope is that most see this game as I do ... as a fun, light-hearted but sincere salute to Donald J. Trump's amazing and successful run for the U.S. presidency. However people see it, this was just something I had to create ... so I did!GameThis "mini" game consists of 6 “battles” between Donald J. Trump and a handful of the enemies he faced during his campaign, namely: Fake News Southern Border Protesters Hollywood The Swamp "Crooked" HillaryThe gameplay is meant to be more of an entertaining experience than a hard-core gamer challenge but I've tried to make it a decent mix of both. With each battle win players can choose to upgrade their health (HP) for future battles or get more “Winning Coins” to unlock additional hats and outfits.The first battle is free and if you enjoy it you can purchase the other 5 via the DLC:http://store.steampowered.com/app/676080/Super_POTUS_Trump_The_Full_Game/.Long Live the God Emperor! #MAGA! 7aa9394dea Title: Super POTUS TrumpGenre: Casual, Free to Play, IndieDeveloper:Emerson Design, Inc.Publisher:Emerson Design, Inc.Release Date: 8 Aug, 2017 Super POTUS Trump Ativador Download [key Serial Number] super potus trump download. super potus trump gameplay. super potus trump. super potus trump game. download game super potus trump. super potus trump online. super potus trump steam GREAT game, really like it, sadly i could only play the first level as you have to pay for the other ones.+Graphics+GameplayRating: 8.5. This game is fun but, THIS IS A RIP OFF OF SUPER PAPER MARIO! AND WHY?! DOES IT COST MONEY TO DO ALL THE REST OF THE FIGHTS AND EARN HEALTH AND COINS?!?! Please I like trump BUT SRSLY?! RIP OFF!. ITS THE BEST THING EVER!!!! Its like a better verson of paper mario, I had lots of fun destroying the fake news. I'm going to donate to this game. #punchaliberal #MAGA #POTUS #liberaltears. This review is based on the entire game, not just the demo it offers.All political opinions aside, Super POTUS Trump is a game where you need a good understanding/appreciation of what happened in the 2016 Presidential election to understand and potentially enjoy this game. If you do not care about United States politics, you will not enjoy this game.Obviously, this game takes a lot of inspiration from Paper Mario, where it dedicates all of its gameplay to RPG-esque boss battles based on opponents towards Trump during the 2016 election. There are two different difficulties; an easy mode (that disables achievements/coins), and a hard mode. I didn't play through easy mode, but the scary guise of hard mode will only dissappear after you understand the basics of the game. Most of the struggle in the game comes from the reflex-based attacks you do, while being easy to accomplish. Throughout the game, you get more attacks/heals to use against bosses, and that's pretty much it for gameplay. Appeal-wise, the game tries reference-based humor with mentions to specific events in the 2016 election related to Trump. It also tries for nostalgia, with the Paper Mario based art style.I personally think that (1hour>) of limited gameplay isn't worth the 2 dollars, and the reference-based humor also doesn't cover it unless you need a re-cap of what happened during the 2016 election. Flash games on other websites can do what this game did, but for no charge.. dis ♥♥♥♥♥ been beaned. Dont buy this.Please.Its a waste of time.+ Yuge memes- Not actually that fun- Really short- cost 99 cents to unlock the full game- Everything misses- Bull$!@% AchievementsJust watch alpharad play it instead.but it is a nice tribute, ill tell the creator that. just.. make it COMPLETLY free next time. no pay to unlock full game.. ok this is a funny game but if you want people to buy the DLC you would have to add more levels so players would get an experience of playing instead of doing 1 level and finishing. the achievements are glitched so you should fix that. good game thanks.. Bought the full game. Was not dissapointed. MAGA. Detailed story line. I often felt as if this was a real-life simulator. More realistic than grand theft auto 4 (not 5). Would play again. I can not wait for the next set of missions to come out.. Great Masterpiece of a game we need far more gmaes like this in this day and age. Masterpiece 5/7
Super POTUS Trump Ativador Download [key Serial Number]
Updated: Mar 18, 2020