f6d3264842 9 Nov 2014 - 7 min - Uploaded by zaptoonsThis is a tutorial for adding an optical drive to an ASUS F551M (or X551M and possibly .... If you've recently purchased an HP laptop to use in your business, you can use it to work on your projects when you can't use the computers in your office.. There are quite a few reasons the DVD tray in your laptop might fail to open when you hit the eject button. About the worst thing it can be is if the motor or gear .... I have the ASUS Laptop x551ca but can't figure how to open the DVD/CD drive! It looks like it has one but nothing we are trying is working.. 17 Dec 2017 ... I have the same laptop (Asus gl753VE), and the same problem. I checked the specs. and it has a cd/dvd drive. As my eyes saw, there is NO .... After you insert a disc into your PC's disc drive, you eventually want to get that disc back out. Ejecting a ... To eject a disc from a DVD drive: ... Either double-click the Computer icon on the desktop, or open the Start menu and choose Computer.. 10 Oct 2016 - 3 min - Uploaded by Cayla WoodThis video will show you how to open a laptops cd/dvd/blu-ray drive using command prompt .... I've just bought this laptop and cant find any way to open the CD drive , no button , no cd drive in my computer , there's a little "lock" hole near it .... 3 Jan 2019 ... A DVD or CD drive that won't open doesn't necessarily mean a lost disc or dead drive. Here are ... Photo of a CD or DVD ejecting from a laptop.. I have a new asus laptop . im new to this . how do I open the side cd ... Or go into My Computer, right click the DVD drive, and select eject.. 7 Jul 2018 ... Here are some suggestions that will help fix your laptop's DVD drive eject the ... If the Eject option didn't open the drive, there might be some .... 27 Nov 2015 ... what laptop ? what OS ? any ? marks in device manager. IS DVD drive listed in Device manager? when u hold the open button and release it .... Either the laptop doesn't actually have a optical disc drive but rather a cover in the shape of one for models that do. Or the eject-key is located .... I also had same problem, but after few minutes I saw there is no drive in it! It's just a place you can install the DVD drive if you want.. how to open cd drive on asus laptop - Acer (KV.16X04.007) DVD Drive question.. If you want to listen to a CD or watch a DVD on your computer, here's how to start. ... The laptop above has a combined DVD/CD reader/writer on the side of the keyboard. ... Step 2: Now you need to find out how to open your disc drive. This is .... A way to open DVD drive without pressing the physical "Eject" button.. If using the eject function in the software application does not open the CD or DVD drive, there may be an electronic or control problem to the drive. To resolve .... Click on the Windows Start button (left side of Taskbar) and then type My Computer in the Search box, click on the This PC app option that appears. Then right click on the DVD drive icon that appears in the Devices and Drives section and click on Eject option and see the the DVD tray comes out.. 15 Jan 2014 ... How do I open the disc drive on my ASUS laptop? ... Check at the sides of the laptop to see if there is any cd or dvd drive tray and/or check at ...
How To Open Dvd Player On Asus Laptop
Updated: Mar 18, 2020